TaiWan flowers

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Hot Search: 99 Roses Birthday 33 Roses


Our lilies arrive just before blooming, so the magic happens just after they’re received. Aromatic Stargazers, Peruvian lilies, Royal lilies—for every person or passion, there is a lily.

All Lilies

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3 Lilies,12 Long stemmed red roses
3 Lilies and 33 Red Carnations
A Perfect Touch: roses & lilies (Vase included)
Pure Emotion: white lilies & gerberas

Lady in Pink: roses and lilies,Vase included
12 white roses and lilies
29 red carnations, 2 perfume pink lilies
6 perfume white lilies

20 champagne roses, pink perfume roses
Pink Lilies,Tulips
Lily 9 . 8 pink roses and peacock flower
Carnation, lily basket of flowers

5 perfume lilies
5 White Lilies
15 purple roses , lilies , delphinium
7 Red roses,lily

Lilies,Roses 60*40*30cm
2 Lilies,6 Diana Roses,Green leaves
9 Lilium
16 Peach red roses and 5 lilium

7 Lilium
9 Lilium
10 Lilium
8 Lilium

2 Lilium,10 Yellow carnations
5 Lilium,6 Pink carnations
20 Carnations with Top class,20 roses,5 lilium
10 Red carnations,3 Pink lilium

10 Pink carnations,5 lilium
20 Pink Roses,2 Lilum
5 Yellow lilium with High class,16 Pink Diana roses
12 Champange roses,3 Lilium

11 Peach roses with A class,3 Lilium
3 Lilium,11 Red roses
9 Purple roses,3 lilium
3 Lilium,9 roses and A bear

8 roses,3 Lilium, Cholocates
7 Red roses,3 lilium
6 Pink lilium,royal blue
3 Pink Lilium with crystal grass

9 Pink Lilies
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  Customer praise
Cooley  from Australia
I am very happy with the service. I really appreciate the effort put in by you people. I was also told by the recipient the flower was very beautiful. The most beautiful she had recieved so far. I am glad to say that you guys will be seeing further purcha...
Iris from United States
Dear Yaoflowers Thank you for delivering the flowers on time, and the bouquet  was gorgeous! My mum absolutely loves the roses :)
more customer praise >>       

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