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Flowers, Plants and Gifts from YaoFlowers.

Plant Care

Please select from the plants below:

African Violet
Asiatic Lily
Blooming Plant
Bonsai - Indoor
Bonsai - Outdoor
Bulb Plant
Calla Lily
Gerbera Daisy
Miniature Rose
Phalaenopsis Orchid


LIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Ideal temperatures 68F-75F.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering. When watering, best to sit pot in a ½” deep water for 1 hour.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Remove withered leaves and flowers as needed.

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LIGHT: Moderate light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F. Avoid excess heat or light.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: After blooms and leaves yellow and wither, cut stem 2" above the base of the bulb. Store bulb in pot for 6-8 weeks without water in a cool (55F) and dimly lit room.
OUTDOORS: Plant can be placed outside during the summer in a sunny location. If planting in a garden, keep plant in pot.

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LIGHT: Full or partial sun. Ideal temperatures 68F-75F.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Not required.
PRUNING: After stems and foliage yellow and wither, cut stems off at base. To enjoy bulb plant outdoors, plant bulbs in mid-spring in a sunny location with well-drained soil.
NOTE: As the blooms open, remove the pollen-filled stamens to prevent staining the flower or anything else it comes into contact with, including clothes and furniture.

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LIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Ideal temperatures 59F-64F.
WATER: Water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooms are gone, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
NOTE: Azaleas should be placed indoors (50F to 64F) in early fall, and can be placed back outdoors in the spring when the danger of frost has passed.

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LIGHT: Bright indirect light. Moderate temperature
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Pinch off brown or wilted blooms to encourage new growth.

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LIGHT: Full to partial sun. For best results, place near windows facing southeast or west.
WATER: Water thoroughly every 3 days. Never allow bonsai to completely dry out. Humidity trays are recommended to help capture excess water and create the needed humidity around the bonsai. Periodic misting of the foliage is also recommended.
FERTILIZER: Feed with a water-soluble or time-released fertilizer per directions on the bottle.
PRUNING: All bonsais should be trimmed periodically to keep their miniature shape.
NOTE: Indoor bonsai will flourish if grown outdoors on a patio or deck during warmer months - ideally in an area that will receive morning sun and afternoon shade. During this period, bonsai will require daily watering. Return bonsai indoors when night temperatures fall below 55F.

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LIGHT: Most conifers, including pines and junipers perform better if grown in full sun. Deciduous trees such as maple and elm, and broadleaf evergreens like azaleas and camellia prefer morning sun and afternoon shade.
WATER: During spring, summer and fall, bonsai should be watered daily. In the winter, water only once or twice a week. Never allow bonsai soil to completely dry out. Periodic misting of the foliage is also recommended.
FERTILIZER: Feed with a water-soluble or time-released fertilizer per directions on the bottle.
PRUNING: All bonsais should be trimmed periodically to keep their miniature shape.
NOTE: Keep bonsai outdoors during winter, but "heel-in" the bonsai by covering the pot and soil with pine needles and mulch. Place bonsai against a wall to shield from extreme winds. Also, in areas that have extremely cold winters, bonsai can be placed in garages, sheds, cold frames or basements for protection.

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LIGHT: Moderate light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F. Avoid excess heat or cold.
WATER: Thoroughly water when just the soil surface is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Unnecessary
PRUNING: After stems and foliage yellow and wither, cut stems off at base. To enjoy bulb plant outdoors, plant bulbs in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Plant these spring flowering bulbs in the fall.

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LIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Ideal temperatures 60F-70F during the day and 55F-60F during the night.
WATER: Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but never soggy. Reduce frequency of watering when flowering ends.
FERTILIZER: When plants are in full-leaf, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer once every two weeks. Continue this until the end of the flowering season.
NOTE: Plant can be placed outside or planted in the garden in an area with partial shade.

After foliage completely yellows and dies back, stop watering and allow soil to dry thoroughly. Cut off all leaves and store tubers at 42F-45F. Plant in spring for summer blooming.

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LIGHT: Bright, direct light. Cool temperatures 58F - 68F.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Removed older flowers as they fade and turn yellow

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LIGHT: Full sun or bright, indirect light. Cool temperatures 40F-65F. Blooms last longer if kept cool.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
NOTE: Keep the soil moist until all foliage completely yellows and dies back. Allow soil to dry thoroughly before removing all withered leaves. At this point, corms may be transplanted outdoors or left in original container. Keep indoors during winter months until all chance of frost has passed.

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LIGHT: Bright, direct light. Requires evening temperature no warmer than 62F to set blossoms.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
NOTE: Pinch off any wilted blooms and leaves. Make sure not to touch any open blooms, as they will wilt. When planting, make sure to avoid crowding by other plants and competing roots.
OUTDOORS: Plant can be placed outdoors in the shade during warmer weather.

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LIGHT: Direct sun, but can tolerate partial shade.
WATER: Water regularly when soil is dry to the touch. When watering, soak the soil thoroughly each time. Allow excess water to drain never allowing plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: During the growing season, fertilize once a month using an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Remove withered flower stalks to encourage additional flowering.

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LIGHT: Full or partial sun. Avoid harsh mid-summer sunshine.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Feed with an all-purpose indoor houseplant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Remove any brown or wilted leaves at the base of the plant.

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LIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooms have withered, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: Once the blooms are gone, cut off stems and keep the plant indoors in a cold area (45F-50F) thru winter, watering every week with 1-2 cups of water. In spring, when the danger of frost has passed, move plant back to a warm, brightly lit location.
NOTE: Can be placed outdoors in a protected spot with moderate shade.

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LIGHT: Bright light. Ideal temperatures 65F-78F for continued flowering.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Only use fertilizer when new growth begins. Feed with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer every other week.
PRUNING: Remove older flowers as they fade and brown. Plant will need little water and no fertilizer until new growth is visible.

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LIGHT: Full sun or bright, indirect light. Suitable for indoor or outdoor placement. If grown indoors, place away from a window to avoid leaf-burn.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Feed once every two weeks with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: As flowers fade, pinch them back. When an entire stalk finishes blooming, cut off at the base of the plant.

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LIGHT: Bright, indirect light or direct sun. Place in a location where it will receive at least 4 hours of full sun.
WATER: Thoroughly water when just the soil surface is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Best to water over a sink to allow excess water to drain; never let plant sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Feed with a water-soluble rose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: To encourage additional flowering, pinch back faded blossoms.

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LIGHT: Bright, indirect light or direct sun. Ideal temperatures 75F-85F during the day, and 60F-65F during the night.
WATER: Lightly water once a week but be cautious of over-watering. Orchids do not have organs to store water, and excess water can cause root rot. Best to water over a sink and to never allow orchid to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: Only fertilize when plant is not in bloom. Feed plant with a high-nitrogen fertilizer once a month.
HUMIDITY: Moist air is ideal, with a humidity level of 55%-75%. Place plant over a tray or dish of water to increase moisture. Be sure to sit the plant on small rocks to ensure plant is not sitting directly in water.
PRUNING: After all blooms have withered, cut the stem above the second or third node below the last bloom to encourage growth.

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LIGHT: Moderate to bright light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F. Avoid excess heat or cold.
WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.
FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-purpose plant fertilizer.
PRUNING: When stems and leaves become yellow and withered, cut stems off at base. Store bulbs in a dark, cool place until fall planting time. Plant these spring-flowering bulbs in the fall.

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